Medway Pride CIC, MGSD Centre, 331 High Street Rochester Medway ME1 1DA 01634 408668

Booking a Stall

Medway Pride 2024 is an LGBTQIA+ community festival where everyone can come together to support diversity and inclusion. We think it is important for service providers and organisations to show visable support for all communities and welcome any business or organisation wishing to show that support to join us at Medway Pride.

We have a community / business area Marketplace within Rochester Castle Gardens at the festival where voluntary organisations, business / vendors and service providers can host a stall. We are not providing covered areas just a pitch 3 meters by 3 meters to place your own stall

The event site at Rochester Castle Gardens will be open from 8am to 9.30am on 17th August to allow stall holders to access the site with their vehicle to set up their stalls. There is no parking on site so vehicles will need to be removed to a safe parking area by 9.30am. No vehicle movements will be allowed on the event site during the event from 9.30am to 8.30pm.

The event will be open to the public from 10.00am to 8.30pm. The stage based entertainment will be active from 12pm to 8pm, when we will be asking the public to leave the area to allow the event site to be cleared. There will be activities during the day in the community area of the site to engage the public to visit the stalls and vendors on site.

If your providing services from a vehicle please let us know in the booking form.

We will contact those wishing to join us at Medway Pride to advise them of their booking status and request payment / donations by 20th July.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Medway Pride 2024

Please Read STALL HOLDER TERMS & CONDITIONS – Medway Pride 2024 BEFORe complete this form to book a stall at Medway Pride 2024


Medway Pride CIC is the event Organiser (the Organiser), and acting through the appointed officer shall be the sole judge of whether the following items have been adhered to in a proper manner. The decision of the event Organiser shall in all respects be final and conclusive. If, in the opinion of the event Organiser, a serious breach of these terms and conditions has taken place a Vendor may be required to remove their equipment and in such a case all fees / donations paid or due to the Organiser shall be forfeited.

Medway Pride 2024 is scheduled to be held as per the date on the booking form

August 17th 2024

Solely, the Vendor shall occupy the site space allocated under this agreement. Such space shall not be re-allocated (sub-let) or be occupied by any other company than that of the Vendor.

The Vendor shall not encroach upon the general event area, alter the size, shape or position of their allocated site or construct a display of a height exceeding the marquee structure except in accordance with the prior written permission of the Organiser.

No Vendor shall permit their festival space to be used in such a manner as to conflict with the purpose of Medway Pride CIC or the rights of other Vendors.

Vendors shall have the full right to advertise within the confines of their own stand but the Organiser reserves the right to prohibit any such advertising material or equipment which obstructs general flow, interferes with or obstructs neighbouring sites or is in the opinion of the Organiser a source of annoyance to others. No Vendor or employee thereof may canvas or solicit other than from their own festival site.

Vendors must not pack down their site until after an individually agreed time on the day of event. All equipment must be removed from the site on the last festival day. Any property remaining on site after this time will be removed by the Organiser at the Vendors expense.

Extra light and power points on sites can only be supplied by the Organiser’s appointed electrician on application and at the Vendor’s expense.

If for any reason the Vendor does not make any of the payments agreed as specified on the due date, the Organiser may, at its discretion, proceed to re-let/allocate the pitch without being liable to account to the Vendor for any sum already paid or due from them without prejudice to the Organiser.

In the event of event cancellation or termination because of circumstances out of the Organiser’s control, the Organiser will refund to the Vendor the money paid.

If a Vendor decides to cancel their Medway Pride 2024 Booking, the Vendor may do so by giving a written notice to the Organiser. Cancellation charges will occur as per the following outline

If a cancellation is received between 30 – 60 days from the date of the festival then a 25% cancellation charge will apply.

If a cancellation is received less than 30 days from the date of the festival then a 50% cancellation charge will apply.

If a cancellation is received less than 14 days from the date of the festival then a 100% cancellation charge will apply.

Cancellation payment is due within 7 days of receiving written notice.

The Organiser reserves the right to alter or amend site allocation and the site plan if required. The Organiser will allocate the site space at their discretion.

The Vendor shall be liable for any damages caused to the marquees, equipment, grass or fittings of the festival site and infrastructure. The Trustees / owners of the site and infrastructure together with the Organiser shall be the sole judges as to whether damage occurred.

The Organiser shall not be responsible or liable for any damage claimed by any person or persons who may be injured whilst in the area allocated to the Vendor. The Vendor agrees to indemnify the Organiser for any loss suffered in the event of any claim made against the Organiser.

The organizer shall not be liable for damage to the vendors’ equipment or accessories by loss, damage, theft, fire, water, storms, riots or other cause whatsoever.

The Organiser may determine this agreement and at its sole discretion return a part of payments made by the Vendor, if the holding of the festival or the supply of any services by the Organiser is prevented, postponed or abandoned by reason of any cause not within the direct control of the Organiser.

Insurance: As a Vendor at the Medway Pride 2024 you must hold Public Liability Insurance. Proof of this is required to be provided no later than 30 days before the event. The Organiser bears no responsibility for your goods, for damage / theft of your stock / equipment, or for your legal liability. Any goods are left on site at your own risk.

Notwithstanding anything contained in any part of these terms and conditions, it shall be the express responsibility of each Vendor to ensure that their site complies in all respects with such legal and local government requirements as may be in force at the time of event.

The Vendor agrees the Organiser can photograph, record, promote, advertise and market the Vendor as part of the Event, now and in the future. No financial remuneration shall be payable to the Vendor, however on written request the Vendor can ask to be excluded from such promotional aspects.

The Vendor acknowledges that the Organiser will pass on information about the Vendor to contractors and/or promotional organisations prior to and after the event. The Vendor shall on signing this contract inform the Organiser if there is an objection to the transfer of information to third parties.

The following information / documents must be provided by stall holders / vendors attending the festival

Food Venders,

Vendors must supply details of where they are registered, their most recent food inspection score, and hand washing and food storage facilities. Where relevant, food providers need to have an up to date gas safety certificate. All electrical equipment will need a current PAT test certificate.

Food Vendors & Stall Holders

Must provide copies of risk assessment and liability insurances from all stalls, activities or concessions.

Sale of Alcohol

Alcohol sales can only be authorised by Medway Pride CIC to comply with Medway Council licencing department requirements for any alcohol sales.

Marquees, staging or other temporary structures?

You may need to obtain a Temporary Structure Licence (TSL) from Building Control. To help us ascertain whether this is necessary please provide dimensions of all the structures you are proposing.

Performances involving animals

Medway Council animal welfare and environmental health teams will need to assess applications in this respect.

Leaflets distribution

If you are distributing leaflets please encourage people not to litter by providing bags for the leaflets and helping to pick up any materials cast on the ground.